March 11th: Lazy Giz. He looks about as energetic as I feel today.
March 12th: Inflatable kayak! It was another dreary Tuesday, so I lost my flights today because of the weather. I still went out to the airport for a little while to meet with a potential student and show her the planes, and when I came home Mark was in the middle of putting together the inflatable kayak I got him for his birthday. Giz helped by supervising.
March 13th: Dash-8 at Charlottesville. The weather was much better today, so I spent the morning flying with one of my students so he could get a bit of experience with control towers and ATC. CHO was a really pretty airport - I'd never been there before.
March 14th: Hyacinths in our front yard. My work schedule was all sorts of messed up today (5:30pm to 3:30am so I could help with two ERAM runs on the midnight shift), so I spent most of the morning trying to doze so I could stay awake long enough to make it home in one piece at 4am. I noticed these on the way out the door...I can't wait until the rest of the stuff in our yard starts blooming!
March 15th: Ducks on the pond at work. This week's theme seems to be exhaustion, but at least the weather was nice enough to walk a few laps around the track at work to help stay alert. Phew!
March 16th: Finally, the long runs begin! I was so tired after the quickturn that the last thing I wanted to do was go run, but Mark guilt tripped me a bit so I stuffed my feet in my running shoes and walked out the door before I could change my mind. I made it through the whole thing with walk breaks only to let cars go by when I was crossing streets, so while it's a bit slower than I'd like, at least it's a start!
March 17th: Happy St. Patty's Day! Mark and I both had day/mid this week, and by the time I woke up from my nap our front yard looked like this. What the heck?! I thought it was almost Spring!
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