Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Picture of the Day: September 4th to September 10th

September 4th: I was originally supposed to work a day shift, but I was able to take holiday leave and took the day off instead. I spent part of the day playing with some of my tools in my hangar, and even managed to rivet two pieces of sheet metal together all by myself.   :) 

September 5th: My buddy Dave made the mistake of asking me for a flight review, so I made him take me down to Williamsburg (JGG) for lunch. I also made him do a full weight and balance problem, including takeoff distance calculations, and only let him use pilotage to get us to JGG. We did eventually get there, lunch was very tasty, and I knocked some of the rust off of Dave's VFR skills.   :) 

September 6th: My area started bidding days off and leave for next year earlier this week, and today was my turn. See the initials TW on the left side? That's me. And I FINALLY got off of Tuesday/Wednesday for next year!!! Starting sometime in January my days off will change to Monday/Tuesday. I've wanted those days for a long time and always miss them by one or two spots, so I was definitely doing a happy dance when I managed to snag the last spot on the crew this year.

September 7th: Two nights of random bad sleep in a row did me in and I called out of work. As soon as Mark left for the eve shift I went back to bed and slept through half the afternoon. I eventually dragged myself out of bed and dug up some dinner...leftover zucchini noodles with a chopped up avocado and a whole bunch of grated parmesan cheese,  and a couple deviled eggs. It was delicious.

September 8th: A whole bunch of sleep later, I was a functioning human being again. And even better, my plane was functional again, too! It runs so much better now, it's almost like they dropped a whole new engine in there; it's amazing what a small intake leak can do. I did a quick trip around the pattern before heading in to work.

September 9th: The weather has been gorgeous lately, and the big flowery bush by our front yard has been full of moths and bees. I took out my big camera for a bit and played around with some macro pictures. 

September 10th: Day/mid today, and lots of hurricane updates in between. It's been crazy to watch this thing over the past few days on Foreflight. This is from when I checked it Sunday afternoon; it stretched from Cuba to South Carolina. So far all of my Florida buddies are's hoping it stays that way.

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