Thursday, August 18, 2011

Picture of the Day: August 18

While I absolutely love my plane, my work schedule and the weather lately have meant that I haven't been able to get in the air with any consistency for quite a while. It's been frustrating, to say the least, and I've realized that my loss of proficiency has led to a loss of confidence. Time to fix that - I'm returning to my roots!

This morning I got checked out in a C150, which is almost exactly the plane (a C152, which uses knots instead of MPH and has slightly more horsepower) in which I learned to fly. The flight school at my airport rents this plane out and only a couple other people fly it, so it should be fairly easy to rent it on my days off. I've got hundreds of hours in a C150/C152 and am comfortable in much higher winds than I am with my plane, which means I'm going to be flying an awful lot more from here on out!! :)

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