Sunday, July 2, 2017

Picture of the Day: June 26th to July 2nd

June 26th: I wound up calling out of work today; I spent most of the day in my pajamas, taking random naps now and then. In between sitting around the house like a slug, I did at least start to go through some of the leftover stuff from Saturday's event.

June 27th: I was feeling a little more functional today, so I spent a little time putting my hangar back together. The shop is all back in place again, so now it's time to start setting up the power tools so I can get started on my kit.

June 28th: Our garden is doing really well this year and we're starting to see the first few tomatoes pop up on the plants.

June 29th: Back to work, and the weather was nice enough for a lap on the track in the evening. One of the muskrats that lives in the pond was having a good time swimming around, too.

June 30th: I did a short photo flight in the morning before work. It was a bit hazy and a little bumpy, but it was really nice to be back in the air again. It had been a month and a half since I'd flown!

July 1st: Holy monkeys, was that a fun end to my shift. As I walked out to my car, that giant storm in the distance was dumping rain all over DCA. We tried to cram two last arrivals in before the weather hit but no luck; they both went around (one of them went around twice) and diverted. The airspace was a giant mess, which really seemed to be the theme of the entire work week. Good times.

July 2nd: Day/mid today. At least the sunset was pretty!

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