Monday, August 21, 2017

Picture of the Day: August 14th to August 20th

August 14th: This is about how I felt after working a day shift, too.

August 15th: Here's hoping this is the problem with my C172's engine; I'll hopefully know sometime in the next week or so. My engine has the goofy dual magneto instead of two separate magnetos; I'm actually hoping that something is broken internally because that would be the easier (and much cheaper) fix to the mystery problems my engine has been having.

August 16th: I spent part of today doing pattern work with my student. It was nice and toasty, which made the pattern work even more, um, fun. I couldn't open my window fast enough after we cleared the runway on each landing!

August 17th: A shiny new muffler for my C172. At the rate I'm going, I'm going to have an entire new front half of the airplane (and a very empty wallet) if we don't get these engine kinks worked out soon.

August 18th: Man, did we have a crazy weather night at work. The sky looked pretty crazy right before sunset; it was a really weird color. This doesn't even really do it justice. I somehow managed to leave on time, though for a few minutes there on my last session on position it was full blown buckle-up level craziness. We managed to keep everyone separated, gave the tower roughly the space on final they wanted, and mostly kept everyone in our airspace. Good times.

August 19th: I was back at work nice and early after my quickturn. Thankfully, the weather moved out overnight and it was really nice when I walked the track in the morning.

August 20th: One good part about getting up disgustingly early...I get to walk the track before everyone else gets out there and scares all the interesting critters away. This morning's bonus find was the giant snapping turtle that hangs out near the pond.

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