Sunday, April 30, 2017

Picture of the Day: April 24th to April 30th

April 24th: Time for Bacon's summer haircut! She's like a heavy teddy bear now.  :) 

April 25th: Mark and I tried a crockpot recipe for rotisserie-style chicken this week. It turned out pretty good, especially considering how little work it was compared to some of the other recipes we've made lately. 

April 26th: We hung out on the porch for a while in the evening after I got back from doing stuff around my hangar. Mark found a way to block off the openings in the porch, so we can let the dogs hang out there with us. They seem to like it. 

April 27th: Tonight was a pretty dumb day at work. Thunderstorm season is definitely here. I did at least make it outside for a lap around the track to clear my head a bit.

April 28th: This was the temperature upstairs when we got home from working an eve shift. At least we made it to the end of April before having to turn on the air conditioning. 

April 29th: The fringe tree in the backyard is starting to bloom; it smells really good. 

April 30th: Detail of one of the paintings in our living room. I had day/mid today and it was too steamy outside to walk the track at work, so I didn't have any interesting outside pictures.

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