Wednesday, October 25, 2017

September 23rd, Part One: Sound and Beach

I slept like a rock that night, which was a nice change of pace. That also meant that I had a fair amount of energy for our last full day in Frisco!

There were actually a few clouds in the morning, which was a change from the past few days. Hurricane Maria was starting to make its way up from the Caribbean, so it worked out pretty well that we would be leaving the next day.

Bacon and Wembles spent the morning spying on the neighborhood from one of the windows in the living room...

...while Mark and I had breakfast at the kitchen counter.

We hung out on the deck for a little while, too, sipping coffee and listening to music.

After breakfast, we took the dogs for a short drive to check out the Pamlico Sound. They had fun sniffing around at all the new things, and Wembles tried to smoosh her head on a random fish tail that was sitting on the sand. (Mark managed to stop her right before she actually did.)

We followed a small path around the edge of the water; this bird was hanging out in the distance.

After a few minutes, we said goodbye to the Sound and wandered back to the car.

A few minutes of driving through Hatteras Village later, we stopped for another break at the beach down there. It was pretty close to high tide, so there wasn't very much beach.

The waves were getting a little rough and the beach was a bit crowded, so we didn't stay very long. We drove back to the house, hung out for a little while, then walked back down to the beach near the rental house.

Mark tried to fish again for a little while, but the waves were getting pretty crazy and he wasn't having any luck.

The hurricane was still down by Florida and the Bahamas at this point, so it was interesting to see how much the waves were already picking up with the storm so far away. There really wasn't anyone in the water, even though it was nice and warm.

Mark spent a little more time fishing before calling it quits for the day.

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